Un crane en bronze, un bec en cuivre, voici le casque d'Arkan, le shaman Steampunk.
Comme ceux de ses deux confrères Leonard et Santo, le casque d'Arkan est fait en résine. J'ai voulu pour celui-ci lui donner un aspect respectant les codes qui selon moi caractérisent le genre steampunk. La teinte du casque se rapproche du bronze tandis que son bec est patiné à la feuille d'or (ou feuille de cuivre pour être plus exact).
Like those of his two colleagues Leonard and Santo, Arkan's helmet is made of resin. I wanted to give it a look that is respecting the standards that define the steampunk universe according to me. The colour of the helmet is close to the bronze, whereas the beak is sheen with golden leaf (or copper leaf to be more accurate).
Like those of his two colleagues Leonard and Santo, Arkan's helmet is made of resin. I wanted to give it a look that is respecting the standards that define the steampunk universe according to me. The colour of the helmet is close to the bronze, whereas the beak is sheen with golden leaf (or copper leaf to be more accurate).
Je voulais que le tout ait une allure badass et vécue d'où les effets de noirceur, d'oxydation ou de vert-de-gris. J'ai également utilisé des tiges de laiton pour créer le système de tuyauterie et un assemblage de différentes pièces collées puis moulées pour faire les cartouches du masque à gaz.
I wanted it to have a bad ass look and a worn aspect, hence the black spots, the oxydation or the green-Grey additional effects. I also used stalks of brass to design the pipe system and an assembly of various pieces glued together and then molded to create the respirator cartridges.
Arkan est à l'origine un médecin de guerre ayant peu à peu basculé de la science vers les arts occultes. Je voulais créer un personnage entre le médecin de la peste Steampunk et le shaman moderne. Je l'imaginais avec une allure ambiguë qui pourrait être à la fois celle du héros ou celle du méchant. Contrairement aux deux autres, son regard est masqué par les deux optiques qui sont à la fois un rappel au genre steampunk et une façon de conserver cet aspect étrange et insondable.
Arkan is initially a war doctor who moved slowly from science into occult arts. I wanted to create a character between a steampunk plague physician and a kind of a modern shaman. I imagined an ambiguous look that could be at the same time the one of a hero or the one of a bad guy. Contrary to the two other characters, his eyes are masked by a couple of optics that recall the steampunk style and which enable to reinforce his odd and mysterious aspect.
Arkan is initially a war doctor who moved slowly from science into occult arts. I wanted to create a character between a steampunk plague physician and a kind of a modern shaman. I imagined an ambiguous look that could be at the same time the one of a hero or the one of a bad guy. Contrary to the two other characters, his eyes are masked by a couple of optics that recall the steampunk style and which enable to reinforce his odd and mysterious aspect.
Les prochains articles décriront plus en détail les différentes parties de son costume constituées de cuir. Notamment son bracelet double seringues relié à son back pack.
The next articles will describe more into detail the different parts of his costume made of leather. In particular his double syringe wristband linked to his back pack. Thank you Olivier for translation
The next articles will describe more into detail the different parts of his costume made of leather. In particular his double syringe wristband linked to his back pack. Thank you Olivier for translation
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